Teachers Day Celebration =)

Today is teachers day n i wish all teachers in singapore a happy teachers day.It was an xciting day today.We as a class of 406 played games n ate delicious food.The class was well-decorated(i suppose so) n it was very cold inside. The weather outside was deteriorating n futhermore, the class was air-conditioned.I was shivering like hell n nobody was there to ask if im ok. =( Anyway, we played games at around 8.15am. Guess wat the game was?It was musical chair n everybody was like wild animals squeezing their butts everywhere in order to fight for seats so that they will not b eliminated. I can tell u that the scene was horrible but it was quite hilarious too.Especially Ivan Quek, he cheated around 6 times and he did not even feel remorse about it but can still b so proud of wat he had done.then after games ,we invited more teachers to our class to have food n also to wish them 'happy teachers day'. I hope that they would remember this event n b nicer to us in the future, for this party was for them.After all was done(tables were arranged n floor was cleaned), our form teachers-ms Tan n Leon, took a picture of all of us n that ended the party for today. Well i guess i'd better revise for my prelims.
to b continued....