

Location: tampines, singapore, Singapore

im a friendly person

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Okay the first thing i wan to say is that im sorry for the rotting of ma blog. The first excuse is that com spoil and my sis brought the laptop to school for Major project until late night bla bla. The same excuse im giving. Next is im a bit lazy and busy doing the projects and my CDS is seriously irritating. Finally, im addicted to a few new anime and of coz TORADORA which i missed out the last few recent updates like episodes 15 and 16.

So what am i doing for one month after my last update? Well just a few projects rushing through anda preparing for LNY(most people would probably say CNY). I bought new clothes and relaxed at home playing yugioh once again.Yeah yugioh is fun man. So not much has progress so far but i will make things happen this year. I'll try ma best.

Anda ma ankle hurts pretty badly man. Kina hard to walk yesterday, kept limping but today was better thanks to my father's magical potion. One rub and nothing happens but after a few rubs its got better by a bit. Im not limping now but still cant run if i wan to. Bad guys will try to tackle my belongings when im on the streets because they will see that my ankle was injured by an evil villain. Yes thats right, it was a bad guy. A real baddy.

Almost one more day to go until LNY so from here i wish everybody a happy niu(COW) year.
At the end of the note, thank you young man young ladies.

Ow and maybe you can wait for like one month b4 you visit this blog. I cant promise an early update. PSPS